Saturday, December 5, 2009

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

This weekend a group of us from church traveled to Nashville, TN. to attend the Gaither Homecoming Christmas concert. Needless to say.....of the 3 times I've seen them in concert, this was by far the best. I love Christmas music and I love the Gaithers.....together they just can't be beat. Not only was it a great concert, but it was a great time with some awesome people. Following the concert, our group was standing in the commons of the Sommet Center when lo and behold David Phelps walks by! I didn't see him at first (our husbands pointed him out) but Kendra and I took off after him in hopes to catch another glimpse of one of the most talented singers to ever grace the stage. Kendra and I did catch up and we were able to get our picture made with him (photo to come soon!).

Although my weekend was made when I got to stand next to David Phelps for a got better with some Christmas shopping at Oprymills Mall. You just can't beat this time of year. It's wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. You're right... It was an awesome time! I'm going to try to get the pictures posted today... feel free to steal!
